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Products and Technologies

Everything You Need to Improve Your Business Performance

HCL AppScan

Application Security Testing
Market-leading application security solutions

Safeguard your business and customers by implementing robust security measures for your applications. This includes adopting best-in-class testing tools, establishing centralized visibility and oversight, and exploring multiple deployment options, such as on-premises, on-cloud, and cloud-native solutions.

Application Security | AppScan


Endpoint Management

The HCL BigFix endpoint management platform gives IT Operations teams the power of Continuous Compliance and Intelligent Automation to manage over 100 operating system versions, enabling streamlined management processes, tool consolidation and reduced operating costs.

BigFix | Endpoint Managment


Exceeding Expectations

From low-code to pro-code, HCL Domino is a secure, enterprise-grade, application development platform.

Lotus Notes | Domino

HCL Automation Orchestrator Suite

Automate anything, Run anywhere

The Automation Orchestrator Suite brings speed, agility, and innovations businesses need to drive more cost-efficiency, customer-centricity, and productivity.

Workload Automation | HCL

HCL DevOps Velocity

Value Stream Management for the Enterprise

Deliver better software faster.
Through seamless integration with your existing tools, HCL DevOps Velocity aggregates data from your entire DevOps pipeline, providing actionable insights to optimize your DevOps investments.

VSM | ValueStrem Managment | DevOps
Products: Services
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